Newton Running Prioritizes Female Safety for Runner’s Safety Month
1 October 2021
Colorado-Based Shoe Company Takes Strides To Educate All Athletes Through Advocacy, Awareness, and Technology
BOULDER, Colorado—October 01, 2021
During the month of October, Newton Running, a Boulder-based athletic shoe company, will be offering giveaways for performance and safety-related gear as a part of National Runner’s Safety Month. For a limited time in October, all women’s shoes will include a free alarm from Sabre while supplies last.
Newton is also partnering with a local karate studio, Ripple Effects Martial Arts, to provide a series of educational content as well as gift certificates for in-person self-defense training.
October has long served as Runner’s Safety Month due to the hazards that runners face thanks to the shortened daylight hours and return of inclement weather. With the theme of #RUNBRIGHT, the Running Industry Association (RIA) is asking participants to create important content that aims to educate runners and provide practical, actionable advice.
While past years have focused on teaching females alternate strategies and measures for their personal safety, a new push brought along by increased murders and disappearances is insisting that this is not solely a female issue.
Pretending these violent situations do not exist does not change the very real threat they present to runners and females in general. Individual responses to safety have existed for years but they are no longer enough; there has to be a bigger community response and education, thus our partnership with Ripple Effects Martial Arts. Studies have shown that just one self-defense class can change the way you carry yourself and reduce the likelihood that you are assaulted.
See below for a breakdown of our weekly giveaways as well as the content we will be promoting across all of our channels:
Week 1: Gift certificate giveaway + shoes giveaway
Week 2: Gift certificate giveaway + t shirt giveaway
Week 3: Gift certificate giveaway + hat giveaway
Week 4: Gift Certificate giveaway + sabre alarm giveaway
Mark Brady of Ripple Effects Martial Arts: Self Defense Blog
Mr. Wagoner of Ripple Effects Martial Arts: Video Clips on Basic Self-Defense Skills
Kara Foxx of Road ID - Trail Runner's Guide to Unforeseen Dangers
Self Defense Course with Mr. Wagoner or Master Macy - Date TBD
About Newton Running
Newton Running creates performance shoes specifically for runners and outdoor recreationists. Headquartered in Boulder, Colorado, Newton Running was built for runners by runners and strives to help athletes improve their form and abilities. Learn more at www.NewtonRunning.com.
Media Contact:
Rachel Fuenzalida
PR Coordinator