Standout Performances: 2021 Ambassador Team

Standout Performances: 2021 Ambassador Team

8 December 2021

Another year is coming to a close and it is time to honor our Top-10 noteworthy ambassador performances! The following stories highlight the achievements of current Newton Running athletes who have gone above and beyond in their respective disciplines. Continue below for some inspiration as we run into the New Year:

  1. Harvey Lewis wins the Badwater 135, completing the rigorous 135 mile run across Death Valley with the fastest overall time. Newton Running Ambassador Harvey Lewis
  2. Candace Gibson finishes her 1000 Day Run Streak - 1000 consecutive days of running, in Newtons! Newton Running Ambassador
  3. Travis Lavin claims a 6th place podium finish at the Xterra Trail Run World Championship.Newton Running Ambassador
  4. Nicole Gartside runs a 40 minute 26.2 person best at the California International Marathon. Newton Running Ambassador
  5. Becca Pizzi qualifies for her 18th Boston Marathon!Newton Running Ambassador
  6. Dr. Garrett Mayeaux earns a silver medal at the USA Triathlon Collegiate Nationals, after making his pro debut at IM 70.3 Memphis.Newton Running Ambassador
  7. Brian Llamas breaks the 14 minute barrier, running 13:53.33 for 5000m.Newton Running Ambassador
  8. Dr. Caitlin Alexander awards a Top-3 Overall Age Group finish at Ironman Florida.Newton Running Ambassador
  9. Brent and Kyle Pease also dominate Ironman Florida in brutal conditions - their 5th Ironman as a team. Newton Running Ambassadors
  10. Harvey Lewis (yes, Harvey again!) wins the 2021 Big Dog's Backyard Ultra. 85 hours, or 350 miles, of racing - a new World Record! Newton Running Ambassador

Thank you to each one of our resilient and inspiring ambassadors who has their own, incredible talents - standout athletes and more importantly, amazing human beings. The heart and soul of their respective communities. 2022, here we come!