#Extraordinary – John Maclean
fitness newton running athletes overcoming injury30 June 2016
It was the summer of 1988. Triathlete, John Maclean was out on a training ride when he was struck by an eight ton truck going 70 mph, and his whole life changed. John suffered multiple breaks to his pelvis and back, a fractured sternum, punctured lungs, a broken arm, and at age 22, John was now a paraplegic. “I was in a world of pain.”
Rather than accepting a life filled with excruciating pain, a wheelchair and assistance, John decided to become bigger, stronger and more independent than ever. He set out on a life goal to never be defined by his wheelchair, but to adapt to life in a wheelchair by pushing #Extraordinary boundaries in the sport of triathlon.
Since setting out on his #Extraordinary journey, John’s list of accomplishments has exponentially grown. In 1994, John became the first Australian wheelchair triathlete to complete a race. Soon after, he became the first wheelchair athlete to complete all “able-bodied” cut off times at Hawaii Ironman!
Despite the life changing event Maclean endured, he has lived and continues to live a life with a fiery passion of achieving the same goals he had 28 years ago. In 2013, John took his first steps out of his wheelchair and realized that the impossible really was possible. “from the nervous-system activity I can see, I believe you should be able to walk” were the words from his physical therapist that kept him going. After hours of mental and physical heartache, physical therapy and patience, that is exactly what John did, he walked on the beach with his wife, so much more than he could’ve ever imagined was possible, 28 years ago.
“And then I did things I’d dreamed about all those years: to walk on the beach with my wife holding hands, to pick up my son from day care…these are gold medal moments in life.”
In his latest and greatest accomplishment John completed the same triathlon that he did in 1994 as a wheelchair triathlete, as a conventional athlete, meaning he completed the run portion of the race on his own two feet, rather than in a wheelchair!
Read more about John and his journey to eventually compete as a conventional athlete at the Kona World Championships, here: https://vimeo.com/159733834 http://amzn.com/0316262854 http://www.johnmaclean.com.au/#john-maclean
Throughout his journey, John created the John Maclean Foundation to provide financial assistance to children in wheelchairs. JMF provides financial assistance to purchase items such as new wheelchairs, vehicle and house modifications, surgery and medical assistance, computers, remedial aids or any item that improves the quality of life for the child and their family.
To join Newton Running in support of the John Maclean Foundation, visit http://jmf.com.au/.
Thank you for inspiring us all to be
John Maclean wears Newton Running Gravity V’s