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Yoga For Runners, By Runners
November 1, 2023
Newton Athlete, Savannah Athlete of the Year, Elite Runner, Doctor of Physical Therapy and Certified Yoga instructor (busy lady) Meghan...

Shay Eskew, Embarking on the Adventure of a Lifetime
February 8, 2023
7 Marathons. 7 Sky Dives. 7 Swims. On 7 Continents. In 7 Days. Let that sink in.... Newton Ambassador Shay...

Run Form Drills for New Year Improvements
December 16, 2020
By Newton Running No one has perfect running form but everyone can improve their running mechanics. Doing so can make...

Running 101: Avoiding Common Injuries
April 9, 2020
Efficient form and quality shoes are two keys to staying healthy. Do you think a running shoe with a thickly cushioned heel pad and rigid medial post can keep you from suffering common running injuries such as plantar fasciitis, iliotibial band syndrome or shin splits? Think again.

Running 101: Transitioning to Newton Running Shoes
April 3, 2020
Whatever your body type, fitness level or experience, the two biggest changes you can make to improve your running performance and reduce the likelihood of overuse injury are: 1. Wear shoes with a moderate profile 2. Learn how to run naturally

Causes and Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis
October 12, 2018
This post is by Dr. Mark Cucuzella, a Family Physician at Harpers Ferry Family Medicine and Associate Professor at West Virginia University School of Medicine. The plantar fascia (PF) is a strong ligament that runs from the heel to the metatarsal heads in the front of your foot. This ligament helps absorb the shock that […]