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Sir and Lady Isaac Product Details
September 2, 2009
We’ve had some recent requests to post information on the new Sir and Lady Isaac shoes that are now available on Newton Running. The Sir and Lady Isaac’s intelligent control is great for all foot types. The Isaac is a neutral guidance trainer designed for runners committed to improving their running form to the more efficient midfoot/forefoot […]

M.I.T. Students Reinvent Running Shoe Lab Testing
February 23, 2009
Science and innovation are cornerstones of our business at Newton Running. Over ten years ago, when Newton Running co-founder Danny Abshire first started testing radically different running shoe prototypes, he recognized the importance of a quantitative, scientific results to prove Newton technology designs worked. However, Danny soon learned that current lab testing is antiquated and […]

Craig Alexander Testifies: I Don’t Modify my Newtons!
October 15, 2008
There’s been a rumor floating around that Craig Alexander, aka Crowie, shaves the lugs off his Newton shoes. Now, we do know that Crowie did shave his head, his face, his legs, and most importantly, a bunch of time off his run in Kona, but NOT his shoes. To quell the rumor mill once and […]