The Running Front

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The (Popular) Science of Newton

The (Popular) Science of Newton

March 6, 2009

Although he doesn’t actually test Newton shoes, Adam Weiner from Popular Science offers an interesting take on the science of Newton Running technology in this article, Will Barefoot Running Cure What Ails Us? I love his intro: “First of all, let’s set the record straight. Man is a natural long distance runner. Despite impressions to […]

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M.I.T. Students Reinvent Running Shoe Lab Testing

M.I.T. Students Reinvent Running Shoe Lab Testing

February 23, 2009

Science and innovation are cornerstones of our business at Newton Running. Over ten years ago, when Newton Running co-founder Danny Abshire first started testing radically different running shoe prototypes, he recognized  the importance of a quantitative, scientific results to prove Newton technology designs worked. However, Danny soon learned that current lab testing is  antiquated and […]

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Winter Vinecki and her Newtons on Rachel Ray

February 19, 2009

Newton Running continues to be a supporter and huge fan of Winter Vinecki, the 10-old-year triathlete who last year raised over $100,000 for Athletes for a Cure in honor of her dad who was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Last week, Winter and her family were on Rachel Ray! Check out the below video where Winter […]

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Crowie Continues his Winning Ways

Crowie Continues his Winning Ways

February 13, 2009

Team Newton pro Craig “Crowie” Alexander kicked off the 2009 racing season in perfect form, winning last weekend’s Snap Ironman 70.3 race in Geelong, Austrailia. It was apparently a tight race in brutally hot temperatures until T2, when Crowie tied on his Newtons and quickly dropped rival pros like David Dellow, Luke Bell, Cameron Watt […]

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World vs. Times

World vs. Times

January 29, 2009

Magazine shoe reviews can be mixed bag. The current issues of Runner’s World and Running Times are a great example. We’ve been working for almost two years to get Runner’s World to review our shoes. The hold-up seemed to be that Newton didn’t fit any of RW’s standard shoe test categories. Finally, when New Balance […]

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Tim Berkel wins his first Ironman in Newtons with the Fastest Run Split

Tim Berkel wins his first Ironman in Newtons with the Fastest Run Split

December 10, 2008

Australian Tim Berkel, 24, claimed his maiden Ironman title at the Ironman Western Australia race last weekend and the excitement was certainly clear upon him crossing the line (look carefully and you’ll see his Newton Distance S shoes). Click here to read the story on Tim also wrote a terrific race report. Read more […]

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