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Monday Race Hangover
June 14, 2010
Here in Boulder we had a rainy weekend but still pulled off a successful Natural Running Symposium on Saturday evening...
Newton Running’s Take on Barefoot Running
January 29, 2010
In the past few days we’ve been inundated with calls and messages from friends, customers and fans asking, “Did you see NPR.org barefoot running story or BBC barefoot running story story about barefoot running?” The answer is yes, we’ve seen Dr. Lieberman’s studies at Harvard and it clearly validates what Newton Running is all about. […]
Barefoot Running Goes Ballistic
January 28, 2010
Barefoot running was one of the most talked about trends in the running industry last year. From the bestselling book Born To Run, to the explosive growth of the Vibram Five Fingers, runners everywhere seem to be talking about barefoot running. Well, the buzz about barefoot running is about to hit a fever pitch. As we’ve […]
Natural Running – DEFINED
January 25, 2010
Terms like barefoot running, forefoot running, midfoot running, chi running, minimalist running, etc. get bandied about so often these days that it’s difficult to define any of them and they’re all starting to lose any true meaning. Here at Newton, we think ‘natural running’ best describes what we’re all about. What do you think? (click image to […]
Do Running Shoes Cause Injury? Our Response
January 12, 2010
There’s a great discussion going on over at RunnersWorld.com about a new study that links running shoes to injuries here. Here are a few thoughts that our Director of Education, Ian Adamson, would like to add to the dialogue: There are several on-going, multi-year studies at Harvard, MIT and the University of Newcastle (AUS) that […]
Height of Heel Matters in Foot Pain Prevention
December 23, 2009
This interesting study published in the November issue of Foot & Ankle International (FAI), the official scientific journal of the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS), details the biomechanical changes that occur in feet during high heel wear and the correlation between the heel height and amount of pain, pressure and strain it puts […]